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The business abundance poised to reach 33B$ alone before end of 2022 due to Business learning.

Learn From India's Leading Business Abundance Coach

Kumar Gaurav

Learn directly from an  India’s  best-selling author and founder of the The Abundance Intelligence Hub, the world’s Growing society for Business owners, Entrepreneurs and experts with over 150 paid members.

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Business Abundance Coach Kumar Gaurav

Industry Leaders Speak

Siddharth Rajsekar founder of Internet Lifestyle Hub and creator Freedom Business Model

“Dear Gaurav, Congratulations on your creativity and bringing this as the story of many. I wish you and your creations all the best and success. You create a rare element to bring a self help message weaving in various creations as you did in Sci-Fi, Suspense, Thriller Book. Keep growing and keep becoming the instrument for others’ success.”

Siddharth Rajsekar

(Founder, Internet Lifestyle Hub)

“I enjoyed your creation. “Master your mind and you will master your life. In the creations like your story book, Kumar Gaurav you creatively guide your audience on how to create a life of more prosperity & abundance.” Thank you and we wish you every success with the book’s launch and a happy, healthy and prosperous 2022.”

Mac Attram 

(International Best Selling Author – www.MacAttram.com)

“Gaurav, First of all congratulations to you Gaurav for bringing this up. This creation is a great attempt in inspiring people and getting a way to understand different aspects of reality. It is a perfect timing to bring in the aspects of personal development in the form of story-telling whcih is an absolute necessity for more creations that would be greater benefit!”. All the very best to your success & growth.”

Surendran Jaysekar

(Founder, CEO at Success Gyan, India)

“Dear Garuav, Congratulations on your creativity and bringing this in the story form. I wish you and your book all the best and success. This is rare to bring a self help message weaving in various genres as you did in Sci-Fi, Suspense, Thriller. Keep growing and keep becoming the instrument for other’s success.”
I enjoyed reading it. “Master your mind and you will master your life. In this story book Kumar Gaurav creatively guides the reader on how to create a life of more prosperity & abundance.” Thank you and we wish you every success with the book’s launch and a happy, healthy and prosperous 2022.
“First of all congratulations to you Gaurav for bringing this up. This book is a great attempt in inspiring people and getting a way to understand different aspects of reality. It is a perfect timing to bring in the aspects of personal development in the form of story-telling which is an absolute necessity for more creations that would be of greater benefit!”.

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