In This podcast you are going to learn about 11 steps of Elementratic Assorted Talk. Also know the framework and concept of Elementratic Assorted Talk researched by Me. I am Just briefing the 11 Steps as below:

1. Quieten your mind
2. Declare which elements you are going to encourage inside your body
3. Declare which elements will get emphasized by this inner encouragement
4. Send command to the object/body/or material
5. Affirm the positive words
6. Ensure Why it is going to be completed or achieved
7. Start uttering positive affirmation
8. Just thank it to all the elements got involved in assorted talks.
9. Thank that you got already confirmation that it is going happen.
10. Request all elements to reset on normal vibrational frequency
11. Request to remain charged up with assorted talks on the normal vibrational frequency.

Let me know how are you going to use it. You can also watch the detailed video:

For Details Watch the Video:

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